Monday, February 9, 2009

Paris Fashion Week 2009

Despite the economic crisis in France, Fashion Week in Paris was more glamorous, extravagent, and creative as ever. The Parisians put aside their financial worries to put on this wild and sensational event. There were so many presentations that it would be impossible to cover them all to a sufficent degree that they deserve. However there was one designer that stood out amoung the rest. Marc Jacobs made his collections 'layered and personal'. There was in asian influence in most of his flirt metallic skirts and large obi belts. His entire collection reflected a 'universal theme' by presenting leopard print bags and that talk of the night, a black and silver backless minidress. He tells the models that are in line that they need to "remember, this is a city where even the meter readers wear high heels.” He talks to his friends while waiting for the show to begin that he loves Paris, and always tries to make the best collections for shows in Paris.

Many people say that the economic crisis has inspired designers to craft the most creative pieces to date. The show was beyond a success and many left the show in awe and admiration.

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