Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Canada and their Ducks

At this very moment in Canada, it is cold. Recently there is a company called Syncrude that is being sued for ducks that landed in a pond with oil. 500 ducks went in and only about 3 came out, and people aren't so sure if those will survive. The company is being sued and if convicted they could be charged with a fine of 800,000 dollars.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well like you said, it was cold. So if it was cold why the heck would ducks be landing in a pond... Wouldn't you think it would be too cold for them or wouldn't you think the ducks have flown south for winter? In my eyes, it was the ducks fault for landing in the oily pond. Not the companys. If the pond belonged to the company, then the company should be suing the ducks for polluting their oil pond with dead duck bodies.
    ya digg?

  3. Ducks and other waterfowl need access to open water year around. Due to the cold much of the water in the area was most likely frozen, except the oily pond. The pond in question, therefore, was a likely resting spot for waterfowl. Shame on the company who would keep such an environmental hazard: although the pond is their private property they should not be allowed to maintain such a death trap for the public resource of waterfowl.
