Tuesday, February 10, 2009


On February 7th, a plane crashed in Brazil's Amazon Basin, causing the deaths of 24 people. There were only four people that made it out alive, due to sitting in the back where the emergency exit was. The plane tried to make an emergency landing in the Panamacapuru Airport, but instead landed in the Manacapuru River. Investigators are not sure what caused the crash, but some say that it was due to engine failure. They were able to recover the planes cockpit recorder, so they will try to analyze that to see if they can come up with any new information.


  1. How unfortunate that this happened to that many people. I heard a little about that in the news. What else is happening in Brazil? Any good news?

  2. On top of global Climate change, we have weird plane crashes. Coinsidence? I think not
