Thursday, February 26, 2009

Climate Change...

As we all know the Ice caps melt some every year and then refreeze. What If I told you that the amount of ice that is melting isn't refreezing to make more ice. We are loosing ice at the north and south Poles. We also all know that ice is fresh water... and dumping millions of gallons of fresh water into the oceans could upset the natural currents of the oceans. This ladies and gentlemen is what we call climate change. Oh so you don't believe in climate change do you? well look at the pictures of the poles and see the poler bears struggling to get on a floating ice burg to take a rest. You look at pictures of hurricane Katrina or of tornado's that are appearing in areas that are not located in tornado ally...or the many droughts that scorch areas that have never had droughts before...these are all huge clues that are earth is changed...oh but climate change has all happened in the past you say? well there weren't humans in the past to progress and excellerates climate change.
So are we to just sit here twiddling are thumbs and do nothing? just ignore that climate change exist? That's a terrible mistake...If you want all the ice to be gone and all the species that live at the poles to be gone then fine go ahead just sit there and pretend...but just so you know that when all the ice is gone that's gonna effect YOU as well.

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