Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Russian Army General Predicts Western Attack on Iran

Russia’s Army General, Nikolay Makarov, has predicted that the West’s attack on Iran may begin as early as the summer of 2012. Although the general is 64-years-old, likely senile, and probably still holds onto Communist ideals from before the collapse of the Soviet Union, his opinion on this topic is something to be taken seriously. “I think a decision will made by this summer,” Makarov states. And the decision made probably won’t be peaceful.

Tension between the West and Iran has been increasing exponentially, and it’s starting to get really serious. Car bomb assassinations in Tehran against prominent figures linked to Iran’s nuclear program have happened within the past few years, and Iran blames Israel. Realistically, it probably was Israel. As Iran gets further along in developing their nuclear weapons, we can expect Israel and the US to up their efforts to stop it from happening. If armed conflict does happen to arise, be prepared for World War III.


RussiaToday. (2012, February 14). West may strike Iran by summer - Russian Gen-Staff Chief. RussiaToday. Retrieved February 14, 2012, from www.rt.com/news/russia-iran-summer-conflict-nato-us-265/

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