Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quit whining about gas?


I Completly agree, the statement "Fuel is a drug the U.S. has long since needed weaning off. Admittedly Americans have to cover greater distances than Europeans. But you don't need a glorified double bed powered by a throbbing great V8 to do that. A sensibly-sized car with a two-litre turbo will do the job just as comfortably.
And with developing nations such as China, Brazil and India demanding ever more fuel, the planet can't put up with anyone's penchant for gas guzzling monsters any more."


  1. I'm still going to drive my V8 "gas guzzling" truck (:

  2. Yeah you would. It's a nice truck :)

  3. By all means take your slice out of the o-zone. Hah..
