Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chemeketa operations expected to resume after second threat

second threat on chemeketa its weird because first was a bomb threat from a woman to tv station in portland and now another or same woman called a portland radio sation to threaten a shooting at chemeketa and the weird part is how specific she was about where it was going to happen. I think its probably a teenager thinking they're funny and starting a bunch of camotion.There should be a huge punishment for all the time and effort police and all other law enforcement officials hard work for nothing.

"Chemeketa operations expected to resume after second threat." statesmanjournal.com. N.p., 27 Feb. 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. www.statesmanjournal.com/article/20120228/NEWS/202280321/Chemeketa-operations-expected-to-resume-after-second-threat?odyssey=tab%7Cmostpopular%7Ctext%7CNEWS.


  1. Why would anyone waste time doing something like this? Mainly I think its for the attention they never got from their parents, or simply they are just stupid.

  2. I am surprised anyone would want to do this. It is sad that schools seem to be targets for stupidity and you can not just go to have a good day.

    Somebody probably tried to get out of a midterm.
