Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The first major event I can recall was 9/11. As I recall many people were upset and scared by the catastrophe. I was just in 3rd grade at the time when I was watching the morning news with my family in the living room as was customary in the mornings at my house, than I heard “Breaking News” over the TV. I looked to the screen to see images of people running out of the burning building and the initial crash into the twin towers. The look of fear was obvious on my parents and older siblings right after the clips played. That day at Monmouth Elementary School where I attended at the time we made large white doves with letters saying sorry to those who suffered loss from the day’s events. We were also notified throughout the day of the actions the government was taking against accused offenders. This is what I recall of 9/11/2001.


  1. I dont remember much about this event but I do know that my mom was scared.

  2. Some remember a lot and some remember very little or none. Either way, you don't need to remember to know how much harm was done. :(
