Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Energy Drink Bad For Kids?

Here are some of the ingredients you may find in popular energy drinks and what they do in the body:
* Ephedrine – A stimulant that works on the central nervous system. It is a common ingredient in weight-loss products and decongestants, but there have been concerns about its effects on the heart.
* Taurine – A natural amino acid produced by the body that helps regulate heart beat and muscle contractions. Many health experts aren’t sure what effect it has as a drink additive (and the rumor that taurine comes from bull testicles is false).
* Ginseng – A root believed by some to have several medicinal properties, including reducing stress and boosting energy levels.
* B-vitamins – A group of vitamins that can convert sugar to energy and improve muscle tone.
* Guarana seed – A stimulant that comes from a small shrub native to Venezuela and Brazil.
* Carnitine – An amino acid that plays a role in fatty acid metabolism.
* Creatine – An organic acid that helps supply energy for muscle contractions.
* Inositol – A member of the vitamin B complex (not a vitamin itself, because the human body can synthesize it) that helps relay messages within cells in the body.
* Ginkgo biloba – Made from the seeds of the ginkgo biloba tree, thought to enhance memory.

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