Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1950's today

In 1951, the first color television was introduced. CBS sent out the broadcast of the first commercial color television program. Sadly enough no one could watch it because of all of their black and white televisions.

This has an impact on today because if this wouldn't have happened, all of the shows we watch on a day to day basis would all be in black and white. We have to deal with the ocassional black and white television show on AMC, or when the shows you watch occasionaly deside to be dramatic and film in black and white. Other than that we have all color television. We see all of our shows in color, not black and white because of the integration of the color T.V.

We wouldn't be able to play video games on a black and white television and be able to appreciate all of the incredible graphics of the game. I'm pretty sure most of the people that play video games in this class would probably freak out if the color went out of in the middle of a game I honestly think that there would be a couple of sledge hammers stuck into T.V.'s on curbs in a couple of neighborhoods.  That is in my opinion why color television is important today. For gamers everywhere and for the people like me who enjoy the occasional paranormal movie or show.

Do you agree with me that Color T.V. has impacted our lives this much today?