Wednesday, November 18, 2009


With the advent of plastics, synthetic materials, and other chemically based compounds, our world would be unrecognizable to our great-great grandparents. Take a quick inventory of your life, and things that use. Do you have polyester clothing, water bottles, Tupperware, buy anything that is packages in plastic, car seats, eye glasses? The keyboard you are typing on now is plastic, an many innovative other products that make life more convenient and enjoyable. However, do we ever stop to look at the costs of our modern super material? Please take the time to read this article:

Understanding the environmental impacts of plastic, a non decomposable substance, and the health risks associated with plastics and their chemicals, what should we do about our consumption of plastics? One personal choice my family has made is to cloth diaper our child. Using cloth diapers will help reduce waste, save money (it costs $2500 to diaper using disposables for two years, and about $500 in total supplies for cloth in the same period). So what is your take on plastics, and do you have any articles to back you?


  1. How are children exposed to plastic in the womb?? It's a legitimate argument but saying that plastic will make your boys grow up to be girly just sounds sort of sketch.

  2. Women who work in industries that use plastics and plastic chemicals are the most susceptible. A woman who works in a plant that produces Gortex or plastic table wear is one example. My wife made the same conclusion as you Star, because of the number of other variables, such as access to toys and parenting styles.
