Wednesday, November 18, 2009

9 Year Old Murdered

In Jefferson City, MO, a 15 year old girl is being charged with first degree murder. The girl told investigators that she killed her 9 year old neighbor because she wanted to know what it felt like to kill somebody. Authorities haven't released any information on how the girl was killed. The suspects lawyer does not think that the girl should be charged as an adult because she could be assaulted in jail awaiting


  1. Wow. That's messed up. I wonder what her family life was like..

  2. did this just recently happen? Like she was 15 when she killed a 9 year old?

  3. Put that kid in a mental institution, seriously.

  4. 15 years old is old enough to know better. I mean, true, your technically not FULLY developed, but it is an age in which you are capable of making decisions and knowing right from wrong. Even my six year old brother would know that killing people is wrong.

  5. If she killed somebody in cold blood and the DA will prossecute her as an adult than let it happen. By the way the post sounds she knew what she was doing and had the intent to kill.

  6. yea i agree with Robert. She knew what she was doing, she wanted to do it.

  7. she's just s sketchy girl who is obviously insane. you don't need a doctor to diagnose her. i agree, she needs to be put into a mental institution.

  8. There are some psychological problems with that girl. She knew what she was doing. Ruining someone elses chance at living their life the way they want is wrong. It is not up to anyone else to dictate when someone's life should end.

  9. Oh wow that's something else. Why would a 15 year old girl want to know how it felt to kill? That's just wrong. I wonder how the 9 yaer old parents feel.

  10. Stop the non sense. She doesn't need the mental institution, all she needs is the chair.
