Monday, January 4, 2010

Future not decided for stuck Mars Rover

One of the Mars Rovers Spirit, that has been on Mars for six years, has gotten stuck in a sand trap. Scientists say it is almost impossible to get out and the rover wont last a martian winter unless it can get pointed to the sun. Scientists are not giving up though. Fortunately for researchers, what may turn out to be Spirit's final resting spot looks like a scientific bonanza. The sand is rich in sulfate, a mineral that forms in the presence of water, researchers say.


  1. Maybe they shouldn't have spent so much money going into space with our country in so much debt...

  2. awsome that they found traces of water. hopfully know they can get it out. prity soon people will be makeing movies about it how long ago there was ones aliens.

  3. this reminds me of 4th grade...maybe a little later.

  4. thats cool
    but should stop waisting money
