Wednesday, September 30, 2009

john and kate plus eight, devided by john minus eight equals a waste of TV

for those of you following the John and Kate plus eight drama, this is for you, for the last few months Gossip magizines, TV shows, news shows and more, have been building on the tragic relationship issues that john and kate have been enduring, if its not bad enough that there marrage has failed, add in the fact that america cant keep there nose out of the story, how pitful could your life be that you would have to spend your spare time checking up on the "dirty laudry" of some other familly... thats not only weird its also kind of a waste of time. i dont know about you but it would be nice to go to roths one day and not see some headline like "baby sitter has affair with john" or "john leaves kate alone on anniversery". its simply rediculous yes maybe its entertaining for some people to read about someone elses drama, but what most of the "john and kate followers" fail to realize is that THEY ARE ACTUAL PEOPLE and the fact that they have a TV show doesnt make this devorce any different for them then it is for every other person in the world, theyre going through the same pain, anger, confusion and saddness as every other person who has had to deal with something like this, only amplified by the media. right when they start to get over this, they turn the corner theres anther tabloid about how kates a bad mom. has it ever accured to you that maybe they could have worked through this and saved there familly if the media would have stayed out of it and stopped fanning the flames. now kate is stuck alone raising the kids on the newly named show "kate plus eight" while john runs off and "finds him self" .

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