Monday, September 21, 2009

2009 Current Events First Post

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  1. Their is a tragic drought in kenya.

    on BBC NEWS.

  2. Brooke Wilbergers body was Finally found after 5 years.

  3. On the Science and Health Blog by Dr. Allen Malnak, Dr. Malnak is trying to compare the 1918 influenza to the H1N1 virus going around today.

  4. Insane Killer Captured!
    They caught this schizopherenic killer in Goldendale (Washington) after he escaped from a fair. His name is Phillip Arnold Paul and he also escaped once in 1991.
    -The Seattle Times

  5. The Good News is Cover the Bad News about Unemployment.

    The unemployment rate is not as low as people think. If we were to count the people that are out of work and can't find a job the rate would actually be above 10 percent. It could have been more than 16 percent by July.

  6. 2 killed in flooded Atlanta area

    Downpours in Atlanta, Georgia resluts in floods and 2 deaths, and three other reported missing. Three counties are presumed flooded and hundreds of roads closed.

  7. Alzheimers Disease Sharply Rising

    35.6 million people will have a form of dementia in 2010. That number is expected to double every 20 years reaching 65.7 million in 2030 and 115.4 million in 2050.

  8. 18 year old who attacked his school in Germany, wounding 9 people, wakes up from coma today.

  9. Two people have been killed and one is missing from flood water on the roads in Atlanta, Georgia. Both people died trying to drive through the water. The suggestion is for people to stay home in their houses instead of driving.

  10. Man from Salem impersonates a cop to avoid getting a ticket.

  11. A man named Ahmad Wais Afzali age 37, was arranged in a federal court for tipping off Najibullah Zazi about investigators where watching him. Ahmad lied about all this while he got questioned.

  12. "A Toddler Gone Missing After Big Rain in Georgia."

    Los Angeles Dodgers beat the Giants 6-2 this sunday!!!!!!

  14. Taiwanese police have arrested a 22-year-old man who stabbed a nurse during a robbery then returned to profess his love for her."When I noticed how lovely you look, I changed my mind," he wrote in a love note he placed on the nurse's scooter, apologising and offering compensation.

  15. Fiery Helicopter Crash Kills Student and Instructor.

  16. Sharing Cocaine at Day Care

    In New Wark, N.J. police say that a 4 year old shared cocaine with other 4 year olds at a day care center, after his father told him it was candy. All of the kids were taken to the hospital, and none of them sustained any injuries. The father was charged with four counts of child endangerment and drug offenses.

  17. Freak Accident on Highway 101, Cyclist killed.

  18. At the Portland art Museum there was on Saturday night there was shows of more modern events and art like brake dancing. Literally like the “the night at the Museum.” the shows lasted till the midnight. PORTLAND & OREGON ART
