Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Poachers slaughter 22 elephants in Congo

Poachers with helicopters slaughtered 22 elephants in the Democractic Republic of Congo. Elephants and many other large animals are hunted for their extremely valuable ivory tusks or horns; an average sized elephant tusk is worth approximately ~$5000. The cost per kg of ground African rhino horn is ~$10,000, more expensive than cocaine. The tusks were likely smuggled into Asia. Two elephants and rhinos per day are poached in South Africa alone. It is very illegal and government conservation groups hunt the poachers, but it still happens because the demand is so huge and the supply is so limited.

Far right elephant censored due to extremely graphic nature.

I think poaching is disgusting; exploiting and murdering innocent, endangered animals for profit is terrible.
UK. (2012, April 24). Scene of unimaginable horror as helicopter-borne poachers massacre 22 elephants | Mail Online. MailOnline. Retrieved April 25, 2012, from 


  1. This is something horrible to watch. Who would do something like this and not feel anything for these poor animals.

  2. Poachers should be hunted and killed. I want to be a poacher hunter when i grow up.
