Thursday, March 8, 2012

Red Bull Gives Wings

The Food and Drug Admistration have found that Red Bull can give newborns wings. Women who are pregnant and drink Red Bull should be aware that Red Bull causes birth defects. They said that "Red Bull directly contributes to leathery, bat-like appendages which grow out from the child’s shoulder blades”. I think that Red Bull should be drank with caution. What if you grew wings from drinking too much Red Bull?


  1. They do warn it gives wings. but no thats weird .

  2. This is crazy, I never thought that Red Bull would cause birth defects. I’m glad they got that information out to the public.

  3. WOW, that is crazy ridicoulous. First off pregnant women should not be drinking energy drinks, and secondly its halarious that it actually does give you wings. Someone needs to fix that!

  4. That is crazy and disturbing at the same time. I wonder if any other energy drinks do the same or cause more harm to people.

  5. Haha I knew someday this would be proven lol
