Monday, April 6, 2009

America's stand-point on drugs.

In America, we have some severe drug laws, though we let some drugs be medically regulated. Marijuana is given out for something as minor as migraines. Therefore certain narcottics are easier to get ahold of than others, but they are all out there, and we should look around carefully. Our own media condones drug abuse more then condemning it. How does it all start? Emotional masochism. When people feel bad on a psychological level, they turn to the first thing that makes them feel better, or less pained by the situation in which they attempt to escape. some of it comes from feeling the need to excel, and then failing; some times it may be from the death of someone extremely close; or sometimes it may be from just having a bad enough day that you feel so wound up that you need to relax. no matter what the reason our society chooses to turn to drugs, one truth remains; if the time comes down to it, they will return to the substance that let to them having a slightly "easier" time dealing with struggles in the past. We have a part in our brain called the limbic system, and through that, our emotions are regulated. When you taste a new kind of ice cream, the limbic system gives you a feeling that makes you eventually want it again. Think of it as one basketball, one hoop. Now, on drugs, those pleasure receptors start flooding with neurotransmitters called dopamine. If you want to immagine your brain on that amount, just think of thirty basketballs going through that one hoop simultaneously. Eventually, you run out of balls, right? Well, your brain stops making dopamine, because it figures that it's going to be put there for you. Thus, you return to the drug, finding that you can feel some form of artificial pleasure from it, and addiction is born!

1 comment:

  1. The gov't is A-okay with drugs-as long as they can make money off of them.
