Monday, March 16, 2009

Woman Mistaken For Monkey Gets Shot

Three days ago on Friday, March 13 a woman in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was mistaken for a monkey and shot. Police say she was picking sapodilla fruit in her neighbors tree and he came home thinking she was a monkey and shot her. Full story HERE


  1. This headline is ridiculus, I saw this story yesterday, and is quite sad. Did the neighbor have bad eyes, or just thought too fast?

  2. That must be the greatest insult ever! I shot you because I thought you were a monkey...
    But what was she doing in a tree stealing her neighbors fruit? Did she look pretty close to a monkey or was the shooter just trigger happy?

  3. That is rude because how can you mistake a woman with a monkey. I guess friday the 13 sometimes is effective.

  4. You have to remember it is in Malaysia and they probably have a monkey problem ther haha. He probably acted on impulse when he shot her.

  5. Was the guy drunk, or did he just want to be like his idol Dick Cheney. I mean seriously how high do you have to be to confuse a person and a monkey, unless she was the worlds hariest woman.

  6. Why would you shoot a monkey out of your fruit tree? It is not like the monkey would eat all the fruit. That man was pretty greedy and had bad eyes. Maybe the lady was hungry, and maybe she would have stolen all the fruit, but he could have just scared her away.

  7. Thats pretty messed up...the question is...was this really an accident? or was it on purpose...?

  8. Isn't shooting monkeys illegal??
    Plus, If you saw a monkey in your yard wouldn't you want to keep it. Maybe as a pet? Why on earth would you shoot it?
    I think that this was no accident, The man must've known it was clearly not a monkey in his front lawn. From the time it takes to spot the monkey, go and grab your gun, run back to the monkey, stop, aim, and fire...You had to at least of looked at the monkey to make sure that it WAS A MONKEY!!!! The man is using it as an excuse. He knew it was a lady picking fruit all along. He should be locked up forever! LADY/MONKEY MURDERERRR!!!

  9. Shot because she looked like a monkey? That's messed up!

  10. this sounds like one of dick cheney's hunting stories. this is pretty messed up but completely irrelevent to us here.

  11. lol, that's hilarious!!! She looks like a monkey? Does the other guy get in trouble for shooting a monkey/human?
