Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Joanna Ramos, 10-Year-Old Who Died After School Fight, May Have Been Brawling Over A Boy

Yesterday in Long Beach, CA, what started out as a fight between two fifth grade girls turned into a homicide investigation, after one of the girls died of a head injury hours later. Joanna Ramos left her after school program to go to a planned fight in an alley by the school. When she returned back to the after school program she had a bloody nose and complained she didn't feel well and that she wanted to be picked up. Later that night she began vomiting and complained of a headache to her sister. She went to sleep and was taken to the hospital when she wouldn't wake up. Joanna was take into an emergency to remove a blood clot, but didn't make it through. Dr. Keith Black said that it was a rare case he had never seen in a female adolescent before, but it could have certainly been caused by a blow to the head.

Police said they have made no arrests and were conducting an investigation that will be presented to prosecutors when it's completed. Coroner's Lt. Fred Corral said Ramos died of blunt force trauma to the head, but he didn't immediately have further details about her injuries.

My heart goes out to this family. This is such a tragic event that no one would expect to happen to an 11 year old girl in this situation.

For more information, go to:

Flaccus, G. (2012, February 27). Joanna Ramos, 10-Year-Old Who Died After School Fight, May Have Been Brawling Over A Boy. Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Retrieved February 28, 2012, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/27/joanna-ramos-11-year-old-girl-dead_n_1304134.html?ref=crime&ir=Crime


  1. Oh my. This is awful! All that over a boy? And at such a young age. That must have been quite the fight if the little girl died. That is so sad ):

  2. Why are kids being so violent these days it makes no sense why can't we all be friends.

  3. That's really sad to hear my prayers goes out the family of this young girl.

  4. I didn't realize 5th grade girls fought...

  5. Over a boy? they're only in 5th grade, maybe someone made that up. Still sad, I feel bad for the poor girl. R.I.P
